
11 0 2024-09-02


大峡谷国家公园(Grand Canyon National Park)位于美国亚利桑那州,是世界上最壮观的地质景观之一旅行。公园成立于1919年,拥有超过4,900平方公里的广阔区域。大峡谷深约1,600米,宽达29公里,其独特的地质结构和壮丽的自然景观吸引了来自世界各地的游客。无论是徒步旅行、观景还是探险,大峡谷国家公园都能提供令人难忘的体验。

Grand Canyon National Park, located in Arizona, USA, is one of the most spectacular geological features in the world. Established in 1919, it spans over 4,900 square kilometers. The canyon, approximately 1,600 meters deep and up to 29 kilometers wide, offers breathtaking views and unique geological structures, attracting visitors from around the globe.


大峡谷国家公园(Grand Canyon National Park)位于美国亚利桑那州,是世界上最壮观的地质景观之一旅行。公园成立于1919年,拥有超过4,900平方公里的广阔区域。大峡谷深约1,600米,宽达29公里,其独特的地质结构和壮丽的自然景观吸引了来自世界各地的游客。无论是徒步旅行、观景还是探险,大峡谷国家公园都能提供令人难忘的体验。

Grand Canyon National Park, located in Arizona, USA, is one of the most spectacular geological features in the world. Established in 1919, it spans over 4,900 square kilometers. The canyon, approximately 1,600 meters deep and up to 29 kilometers wide, offers breathtaking views and unique geological structures, attracting visitors from around the globe.


1. 南缘(South Rim)


南缘观景台(Mather Point): Mather Point是南缘最著名的观景点之一,提供了宽广的视野,可以俯瞰到峡谷的壮丽景色旅行。这里是拍摄大峡谷全景的理想位置。

Mather Point is one of the most famous viewpoints on the South Rim, offering expansive views of the canyon. It is an ideal spot for capturing panoramic photos of the Grand Canyon.

峡谷铁路(Grand Canyon Railway): 大峡谷铁路是一条从威廉姆斯(Williams)到南缘的历史悠久的铁路旅行。乘坐火车可以体验到悠闲的旅行方式,并欣赏沿途的风景。

The Grand Canyon Railway is a historic train route from Williams to the South Rim. Taking the train offers a relaxed travel experience with scenic views along the way.

峡谷村(Grand Canyon Village): 峡谷村是南缘的主要游客中心,提供了多种住宿、餐饮和购物选择旅行。这里还设有历史博物馆和游客中心,介绍大峡谷的历史和地质。

Grand Canyon Village is the main visitor center on the South Rim, offering various accommodations, dining, and shopping options. It also features a historical museum and visitor center that provide insights into the canyon's history and geology.


2. 北缘(North Rim)


北缘观景台(Bright Angel Point): Bright Angel Point是北缘的一个主要观景点,提供了360度的全景视角,可以俯瞰到大峡谷的壮观景色旅行。

Bright Angel Point is a key viewpoint on the North Rim, offering 360-degree panoramic views of the Grand Canyon.

北缘小径(North Kaibab Trail): 这是北缘最著名的徒步路线之一,提供了通往峡谷底部的挑战性徒步旅行旅行。沿途可以看到峡谷的不同层次和丰富的植物群落。

The North Kaibab Trail is one of the most famous hiking routes on the North Rim, leading down to the canyon floor. The trail offers views of the canyon’s various layers and diverse vegetation.


1. 徒步旅行(Hiking)

南缘步道(Bright Angel Trail): 这是南缘最受欢迎的徒步路线之一,全程约19公里,适合经验丰富的徒步者旅行。步道沿途景色壮丽,可以看到峡谷的不同层次。

The Bright Angel Trail is one of the most popular hiking routes on the South Rim, covering approximately 19 kilometers. It is suitable for experienced hikers and offers stunning views of the canyon's various layers.

峡谷下行步道(South Kaibab Trail): 这是另一条著名的南缘步道,提供了直接通往峡谷底部的路线旅行。步道较为陡峭,适合体力较好的徒步者。

The South Kaibab Trail is another famous trail on the South Rim, offering a direct route to the canyon floor. The trail is steep and suitable for hikers in good physical condition.

2. 观景(Sightseeing)

日出和日落观景(Sunrise and Sunset Viewing): 大峡谷的日出和日落景色尤为迷人旅行。南缘的Yavapai Point和Hopi Point是最佳的观景位置,特别是在早晨和黄昏时分。

Sunrise and sunset views at the Grand Canyon are particularly spectacular. Yavapai Point and Hopi Point on the South Rim are excellent viewing spots, especially during the early morning and evening.

直升机观光(Helicopter Tours): 乘坐直升机俯瞰大峡谷可以获得独特的视角,看到峡谷的全貌和自然奇观旅行。

Helicopter tours offer a unique perspective of the Grand Canyon, providing a bird's-eye view of its full expanse and natural wonders.


El Tovar Hotel Restaurant: 这家餐厅位于南缘的El Tovar酒店内,提供高档的餐饮体验旅行。餐厅以其历史悠久和美味的菜肴而闻名。

The El Tovar Hotel Restaurant, located on the South Rim, offers an upscale dining experience known for its historic ambiance and delicious cuisine.

North Rim Dining Room: 这家餐厅位于北缘的Lodge内,提供简餐和当地特色菜旅行。餐厅的环境舒适,适合用餐和休息。

The North Rim Dining Room, located within the Lodge on the North Rim, offers casual meals and local specialties. It provides a comfortable environment for dining and relaxation.


大峡谷游客中心商店(Grand Canyon Visitor Center Shops): 游客中心内的商店销售各种纪念品、书籍和户外装备,是购买大峡谷相关商品的好去处旅行。

The Grand Canyon Visitor Center Shops offer a variety of souvenirs, books, and outdoor gear, making it a great place to pick up Grand Canyon-related items.

大峡谷村商店(Grand Canyon Village Shops): 峡谷村内的商店提供多种手工艺品和当地特色产品,非常适合游客购买纪念品和礼物旅行。

Shops within Grand Canyon Village offer a range of handcrafted items and local products, ideal for purchasing souvenirs and gifts.


交通(Transportation): 大峡谷国家公园可经过自驾游、公共交通或参加旅游团到达旅行。南缘和北缘都有停车场,但在旅游旺季停车位可能紧张。建议提前规划并检查道路状况。

Grand Canyon National Park can be reached by car, public transportation, or tour groups. Both the South and North Rims have parking areas, but spaces may be limited during peak season. Plan ahead and check road conditions.

住宿(Accommodation): 公园内和周边区域有多种住宿选择,包括露营地、酒店和旅馆旅行。建议提前预订,以确保在旺季能够找到合适的住宿。

Accommodation options within and around the park include campgrounds, hotels, and lodges. It is advisable to book in advance to secure lodging during peak

安全注意事项(Safety Tips): 大峡谷的步道可能会非常陡峭,徒步旅行时请带足水和食物,穿戴适合的装备旅行。注意天气变化,并遵循公园内的安全指示。

The trails in the Grand Canyon can be very steep. Bring sufficient water and food, wear appropriate gear, and pay attention to weather changes and park safety guidelines.

环境保护(Environmental Protection): 大峡谷国家公园致力于保护自然环境,游客应遵循“无痕山林”原则,不打扰自然环境和野生动物旅行。请将垃圾带走,并遵守公园内的所有规定。

Grand Canyon National Park is committed to environmental protection. Follow the Leave No Trace principles, avoid


3. 西缘(West Rim)


天空步道(Skywalk): Skywalk是一座悬空的玻璃桥,位于大峡谷西缘的Hualapai Indian Reservation上旅行。从这里可以俯瞰到峡谷的底部,体验到高空行走的刺激感。步道提供了不同寻常的视角,让游客能够以全新的方式欣赏大峡谷的壮丽景色。

The Skywalk is a glass bridge suspended

河流漂流(Colorado River Rafting): 在西缘,游客可以体验到激动人心的科罗拉多河漂流之旅旅行。这些漂流活动通常包括专业导游,带领游客穿越峡谷的急流和壮丽的自然景观。

At the West Rim, visitors can embark on thrilling Colorado River rafting trips. These tours are usually guided by

4. 游览建议

摄影(Photography): 大峡谷的日出和日落是最佳的摄影时机旅行。为了捕捉到最佳的光影效果,建议在日出前到达观景点,并在日落前选择一个好位置。南缘的Yavapai Point和Hopi Point是拍摄日出的热门地点,而日落时的Pima Point和Grandview Point则提供了优美的光线和色彩。

Sunrise and sunset are the best times for photography at the Grand Canyon. Arrive early to capture the best light and

野生动物观察(Wildlife Viewing): 大峡谷地区生活着各种野生动物,包括鹿、山羊和雄鹰旅行。早晨和傍晚是观察这些动物的最佳时机,特别是在南缘的Desert View Drive沿线。

The Grand Canyon area is home to various wildlife, including deer, mountain goats, and eagles. Early mornings and late afternoons are the best times for wildlife viewing, especially along the Desert View Drive on the South Rim.

5. 实用信息

最佳旅行时间(Best Time to Visit): 大峡谷国家公园的最佳旅行时间是春秋季节(4月至6月和9月至10月),这时天气宜人,游客较少旅行。夏季(7月至8月)是旅游旺季,游客较多,温度较高。冬季(11月至3月)气温较低,北缘通常会关闭。

The best times to visit Grand Canyon National Park are during the spring (April to June) and fall (September to October) when the weather is pleasant and crowds are smaller. Summer

登山许可(Permits): 对于计划徒步下行到峡谷底部的游客,尤其是下游步道(Bright Angel Trail和South Kaibab Trail),需要提前申请登山许可旅行。建议提前在公园网站上申请,并检查许可证的要求和规定。

Visitors planning to hike to the canyon floor, especially on the Bright Angel Trail and South Kaibab Trail, need to obtain permits in advance. It is advisable to apply early on the park’s website and review the permit requirements and regulations.

紧急情况(Emergency Information): 大峡谷国家公园有多处急救站和应急服务旅行。请随身携带急救包和通讯设备,并在徒步旅行时保持联系。确保知道最近的急救站位置,并了解基本的急救知识。

Grand Canyon National Park has several first aid stations and emergency services. Carry a first aid kit and communication devices, and stay in touch while hiking. Be aware of the nearest first aid station locations and basic first aid knowledge.

环境保护(Environmental Protection): 参观大峡谷时,请遵循“无痕山林”原则,带走所有垃圾,不打扰野生动物旅行。遵守公园内的规定和标志,尊重自然环境。

When visiting the Grand Canyon, follow the Leave No Trace principles by packing out all trash and avoiding disturbances to wildlife. Adhere to park regulations and signs, and respect the natural environment.







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